Although it is called the Alzheimer Café, the café is for people who are affected by any
type of dementia, and their families
The International Dementia Conference 2019
Engage 2019 – The International Dementia Conference takes place in Dublin on the 1st and 2nd of April 2019. The main sponsors are again Home Instead Senior Care. The dates are as follows: Day 1 – 1st April 2019, Day 2 – 2nd April 2018 and the venue is Croke Park, Dublin.
This is Ireland’s largest annual dementia event and features expert speakers from Ireland and abroad. It showcases best practice nationwide and is an excellent opportunity to network with 300+ peers. There is a large exhibition hall with Plenary & Parallel Sessions on day 1 and interactive workshops Day 2.
This year’s academic partner is The School of Nursing and Human Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). Highlights from day 1 (see agenda above) include an opening by the Chief Executive of Engaging Dementia, Sinead Grennan. Kevin and Helen Quaid will tell their story of life with dementia. Meanwhile over at the GBHI Symposium, Dr. Dana Walrath will discuss Dementia Design amongst other subjects with the panel.
Here at the Alzheimer Café we’d love to see as many people as possible attend this super event. You can book tickets direct from the Engaging Dementia webite by clicking here.
After lunch on day 1, the agenda includes psychosocial approaches and cognitive rehabilitation. This includes the Specialised Memory and Attention Rehabilitation Therapy (SMART) Progamme.
We at The Alzheimer Cafe, Donnybrook, help to support people with dementia and their family or friends or carers to stay connected and aware of the latest developments. We are looking forward to attending and reporting back on the latest developments.